DJ Sures (CEO, Roboticist, and Visionary) of EZ-Robot presents at Calgary 2012 Pecha Kucha. A fantastic evening full of positive energy! Pecha Kucha is a presentation methodology in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each.
Upgrade to ARC Pro
Synthiam ARC Pro is a new tool that will help unleash your creativity with programming robots in just seconds!
Nice... very nice indeed !! And amazing too ! Hey DJ, don't you think it's about time to come to Europe ? There's defenately room over here aswell to promote EZ-Robot even more.
Your like a Robot Master out of one of the TV series Lost in Space episodes - There's no doubt that you have what it takes to inspire people to take Robots to the next level and the fun part is no-one yet really knows what that level is..Great Stuff D.J
Haha awesome! Love the energy you have, it's inspiring ^^
that was an awesome presentation!
I would love to help you get your word out!
I enjoyed that D.J. You are a definate crowd pleaser. What month were you born? What is yourSun sign? Just curious.
nice.. hay bro that got ar drone 2.0 out naw that shod help on things
Thanks everyone
My sign is piscies
in a st patty's birthday! Two reasons to celebrate
I married a Picies. They are GREAT people. But, she does a lot of flip-flopping like a fish.
Nice... very nice indeed !! And amazing too ! Hey DJ, don't you think it's about time to come to Europe ? There's defenately room over here aswell to promote EZ-Robot even more.
wow im a piscies to 2 27 80 i m making a robot it shud tack 4 5 months ill be talking with u soon if thats cool this is a good thing your dowing
Your like a Robot Master out of one of the TV series Lost in Space episodes - There's no doubt that you have what it takes to inspire people to take Robots to the next level and the fun part is no-one yet really knows what that level is..Great Stuff D.J