Robot Industry Blog

Education Through Inspiration

3D Printing, Servo Motors, Vision Tracking, Artificial Intelligence and Programming? Robotics should be easy! After all, it is the future technology of the younger generation.

This inspired EZ-Robot Inc. to create Revolution... A fun and educational product that empowers children, adults and companies to build impressive robots with features inspired from science fiction.


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ARC Pro is your passport to a world of endless possibilities in robot programming, waiting for you to explore.


D.J., That is so cool. I love seeing kids interact with robots. They have so many great ideas and plans. Once they are exposed, they will never forget. I am very glad I found EZ Robot and can share it. EZ Robot is heading in the right direction. Thanks, Steve S

United Kingdom

Awesome seeing kids all excited over robots:)


This is my favourite ezrobot video so far! Jason H did an amazing job with this:)


Really awesome video. I loved seeing JD do a handstand, but even more I loved how excited and creative the kids were.



Brilliant video....I'm already excited about bringing an EZ robot into our 2015 ESL school program but this just nails it home. I was planning to get SIX although after seeing this I think JD might give more options as I love the idea of the moon walk!


If I had this when I was in school I just might have paid more attention in class:)

Awesome video.