At EZ-Robot, we receive fan mail, which is mostly letters and sometimes cookies! Today we received the greatest gift of all...
Some members of the EZ-Robot Community created a 3D Printed Robot Hexapod Duck and mailed it to our office. Excited to open the mysterious parcel, we grabbed the video camera - and perhaps for video proof if the robot duck was to attack!
*phew* The robot duck was safe and not a killer robot after all. It is now happily displayed with many of DJ's other rubber ducks from his unusual collection...
Some members of the EZ-Robot Community created a 3D Printed Robot Hexapod Duck and mailed it to our office. Excited to open the mysterious parcel, we grabbed the video camera - and perhaps for video proof if the robot duck was to attack!
*phew* The robot duck was safe and not a killer robot after all. It is now happily displayed with many of DJ's other rubber ducks from his unusual collection...
Just noticed this in my subscriptions feed on youtube (the video, that is)
Awesome accolade and well deserved! SO......get quackin on the EZ V4:):) the natives are getting crabby:)
@irobot58... LOL.... You mean the natives are getting restless.... ok, crabby too
Congratulations guys , the community and your customers appreciate everything you do. Next time I will write more legible
Perhaps a QR code would be more precise (I know your one of the awesome contributors and helped make the duck happen)
OK, that's.....pretty cool! (Mikey cirrus voice)
@Andrew do you want to share the "source" of your multiple happiness
confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused
He just asked what made you smile
Some people can't handle the excitement
....or off his meds...