Robot Industry Blog

Ez-robot Gets A New Home

Our internet activity has been increasing daily - started with a few hundred visitors per day, to tens of thousands per day! Looks like many people are waiting for the EZ-Robot Complete Kit to come back online, or simply interested in our community's world-changing personal robotics.

So, we needed a bandwidth boost. We moved the server to a dedicated hosting solution - Our own hardware! This means faster file transfer and less waiting time.... More time for robot building! :)


Upgrade to ARC Pro

Synthiam ARC Pro is a new tool that will help unleash your creativity with programming robots in just seconds!


Tens of thousands? That's amazing.


Yeah, the past 3 weeks since engadget. it's been anywhere between 1,000 to 30,000 visitors in a day. changes dramatically per day, i don't know why. maybe being featured on different sites?

I don't look into the google analytics too much. i just knew our bandwidth was hurting lol


The answer is quite easy. You've created a product we've all been waiting for. So of course everyone is looking to your site. The video's on YouTube have been a trigger event for many people, including myself ! Good work, eccellent product ! Continue and have fun,




WOW DJ!!!!! I told you some time back you were going to be the Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of the robotics world! Seems my prediction is coming true. Great work DJ! Will you still interact with all of the EZB followers??? Perhaps with more demand and higher sales you might be able to lower the price of the EZB back to $99.00. That would be very nice if you could. I'm still out here building robots and lurking in the forums. Lloyd


@Robotz012248 Thank you:)

I'll never stop interacting with the forum. It's the only way to truely keep in touch with the community. My inspirations come from watching what everyone is building and doing.


I have recently become involved with the Unity 3D community, advertising myself as a writer. But the Unity Community is not nearly as close and personal as EZ-Robot. With the EZ-Robot community I do not feel like I am lost in a sea of thousands of others, clamouring for attention. It is a brilliant feeling, and most of it is due to the amazing creator of EZ-Robot.


I couldn't agree more with you Creativita !