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Country: Canada
Member Since:

I enjoy learning robotics in my free time. My job does not allow me to have a lot of free time, so I move forward with my experimental projects very slowly. / J'apprécie apprendre la robotique durant mes temps libre. Mon travail ne me permettant pas d'avoir beaucoup de temps libre, j'avance mes projets d'expérimentation que très lentement.


  • 2022-05-31 - joined Synthiam
  • 2022-06-02 - connected ARC to the cloud
  • 2022-06-06 - used the Bing Speech Recognition to convert spoken speech into text
  • 2023-03-08 - searched the Synthiam support section to learn about ARC features
  • 2023-03-19 - provided ARC feedback
  • 2024-03-05 - subscribed to ARC and unlocked new features that make your robot even smarter
  • 2024-03-07 - used Cognitive Text Sentiment Service
  • 2024-03-31 - created first new question
  • 2024-04-01 - created a custom avatar
  • 2024-04-02 - used Cognitive Face Service to have your robot learn and remember faces
  • 2024-04-02 - used the Cognitive Vision Service to have the robot describe what it sees
  • 2024-04-03 - purchasing an Annual Pro Subscription
  • 2024-06-15 - completed the Lets Make a Robot tutorial to learn how to make a robot with Synthiam ARC
  • 2024-09-07 - purchased first robot swag

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